Cheyenne success and drive was used as a school project and the end result was something that has touched all of us. A young woman, Kassidy Groeper, from Illinios made this video as part of a class project. The focus was "Who inspires you?" Cheyenne was honored to have received a message asking for permission and possibly some questions to get to know her story a little better. From those conversations out came this fantastic video!

One of Cheyenne's passions is reaching out to others and sharing her story. This is one of those moments where she is able to see her impact on others. Cheyenne's day starts early with school and training afterwards only to get home well after dark while burning the midnight oil doing homework and studying. These types of connections with people are the ones that make all her hard work and effort worth it and keeps her motivated. She chose to believe that God has a plan for her while facing down thoughts of suicide. Cheyenne continues to keep Christ in her heart and she feels Blessed to have touched the lives of others!

She does not charge to speak so if you would like to have her as a guest speeker please feel free to reach out to her by contacting her via her contact link.

Tweets by @aceshooter530