In American style 16 yard shooting, a 10-year-old boy has shot a perfect 100x100 ... and four 14-year-olds have recorded 200x200 scores. Many shooters question the difficulty of American-style trap, in particular when compared to International Trap shooting. At the 1980 Grand American Championships, the North American Clay Target Championships saw 45 perfect 200x200 scores recorded, with the title eventually going to a 72-year-old veteran entry. This creates the question, at what other sporting event can a competitor achieve a perfect score and end up in 45th position?

FACT: Around the world, only six 200x200 scores have ever been shot at International Trap ... using two shots, not one.

QUESTION: Wouldn't such a sport present a greater challenge to trap-shooters?

As you learn the differences you will find that there are many opportunities to learn and appreciate the differences between American Trap and International Trap. There is room in the USA for both games. Indeed, we need more facilities and more shooters to learn the International version of clay target shooting. I hope that the information provided will lead you to accepting the challenge of International Trap. I also hope to see you out there enjoying the International version with me sometime soon. It will be my pleasure to help get you started and on your way to enjoying it as much as I do.

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