Cheyenne's community involvement

Cheyenne started her involvement in dance when she was only 4 years old. She does not have the time to take dance classes anymore but she does assist with the Grassvalley/Nevada County Nutcracker. She has been a part of the production since 2006. She has played a party guest for the past five years and has participated in the Chinese Dance as part of the Dragon.

Once Cheyenne is done with her parts on stage she steps in and assist where needed. Because of her willingness to assist and her abilities to adapt under pressuer she has become a needed volunteer within the production. She helps out with scene changes, quick changes for the dancers, and staging props for various set changes. Cheyenne's assistance back stage is needed to assist in making sure that the production runs smooth.

The time commitment for this production starts in mid August with auditions. Once you are selected you spend hours every weekend practicing the moves. Cheyenne also assists with prop design and construction during this time. The production itself is a 4 day event with over 175 cast members and requires a lot of time and dedication for a successful show.

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